The W.E.L.L. Summit
“Women Empowering Leadership in the Law”
The mission statement of the W.E.L.L. Summit is to engage, educate, and energize women lawyers practicing in Austin through a forum intended to uplift, inspire, transform, and amplify women’s voices in the legal profession.
TCWLA, MAMAS, League of Lady Lawyers, The Sisters in Law, Center for Women in Law, and Cafecitos are joining forces for the second time to hold a conference designed to connect various local professional groups supporting women lawyers.
The conference will:
- feature speakers on professional development topics;
- provide small group workshops;
- provide networking opportunities;
- provide CLE credit; and
- be free for all participants.
This is the second year for this unprecedented collaboration between local organizations supporting women lawyers will provide a unique space for women lawyers to connect and to learn.

Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association scholarship fund to support
Margaret Cooper Scholarship
Ann Forman Scholarship
Lora Livingston Scholarship
Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship
Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship
Join TCWLA to help foster communication among women lawyers and strengthen the image and position of women lawyers in the community.
Join TCWL Foundation to support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families, and children.
Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Foundation and support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families and children
Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association scholarship fund to support
Margaret Cooper Scholarship
Ann Forman Scholarship
Lora Livingston Scholarship
Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship
Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship