Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association
Fostering communication among women lawyersStrengthening the image and position of women lawyers in the communityWorking toward the elimination of gender biasInforming the public about legal issues affecting womenEnhancing the public perception of the legal profession
Connections, Community & Camaraderie
Connections, Community & Camaraderie
At TCWLA we are solo practitioners, big firm partners, public interest, and government lawyers, judges, law students, non-practicing attorneys, and in-house counsel.

A Day in Federal Court Seminar
Are you applying for admission to practice in the Western District of Texas? If so, TCWLA offers online access to the required seminar “A Day in Federal Court.” The cost is $70 for government and non-profit attorneys, $140 for all other attorneys, and provides 6.5 hours (including 1 hour of ethics) of CLE credit.
Join a Committee!
TCWLA is run entirely by a passionate volunteer board and committees. We need members to volunteer their time, talent, and energy so TCWLA can continue its mission. Committee opportunities include the Events, Book Club, Volunteer, Color of Justice, and CLE Committees. If you are interested in becoming more involved with TCWLA through a committee, learn more about those opportunities and express interest below.
Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association scholarship fund to support
Margaret Cooper Scholarship
Ann Forman Scholarship
Lora Livingston Scholarship
Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship
Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship
Join TCWLA to help foster communication among women lawyers and strengthen the image and position of women lawyers in the community.
Join TCWL Foundation to support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families, and children.
Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Foundation and support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families and children
Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association scholarship fund to support
Margaret Cooper Scholarship
Ann Forman Scholarship
Lora Livingston Scholarship
Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship
Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship