Scholarship Program

The Travis County Women Lawyers Association (TCWLA) Scholarship Fund, Inc. serves as an umbrella for scholarships that go to law students who may have had to struggle a little harder to get where they are. The Scholarship Fund presently awards five separate scholarships: the Margaret Cooper Scholarship, the Ann Forman Scholarship, the Lora Livingston Scholarship, the Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship, and the Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship. Applications for the scholarship are available each spring, with interviews and presentation of awards occurring soon thereafter. Information regarding each scholarship can be obtained from the UT Law School’s Financial Aid Office.  In awarding these scholarships, we look at leadership qualities, community service, and activities within the law school. It is our intention with all our scholarships to occupy a niche not filled by other, more traditional, scholarship funds.

The TCWLA Scholarship Fund was set up as a charitable Fund in 1983 and was incorporated in 1987. Judge Margaret Cooper was TCWLA president the year the Fund was created and was involved in its creation with founders, Amie Rodnick, Iris Jones, and Barbara Marquardt.  Most of the board members are past presidents of TCWLA. The TCWLA Scholarship Fund, a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is a separate corporation from TCWLA, a Section 501(c)(6) professional association. All contributions to the scholarship fund are fully tax deductible.

All checks MUST be made payable to

TCWLA Scholarship Fund
507 West 7th Street
Austin, Texas 78701

If a donation to a particular scholarship is desired, that should be specified on the check.

Scholarship Board of Directors

Amie Rodnick

D’Ann Johnson

Velva Price

Diane (DeDe) Hebner

Board Members:

Milbrey Raney

Cindy Saiter


Join TCWLA to help foster communication among women lawyers and strengthen the image and position of women lawyers in the community.


Join TCWL Foundation to support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families, and children.


Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Foundation and support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families, and children


Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association scholarship fund to support

Margaret Cooper Scholarship 
Ann Forman Scholarship
Lora Livingston Scholarship
Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship
Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship


Join TCWLA to help foster communication among women lawyers and strengthen the image and position of women lawyers in the community.


Join TCWL Foundation to support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families, and children.


Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Foundation and support, promote, and encourage activities for the furtherance of justice and equal opportunity for women, families and children


Donate to the Travis County Women Lawyers’ Association scholarship fund to support

Margaret Cooper Scholarship 
Ann Forman Scholarship
Lora Livingston Scholarship
Ana Mejia-Dietche Scholarship
Orlinda Naranjo Scholarship

Connecting women lawyers and promoting professional and personal advancement through CLEs and social and networking events.